28 February 2007

Path Wanderers architectural tours

Saturday, 3 March, 10:00 am
Downtown Oakland, History and Architecture
Leader: Susan Schwartz

Explore the history and fascinating architecture of Oakland’s three downtowns: Victorian, Beaux Arts, and Art Deco, plus current revitalization. Meet at the below-street-level fountain just outside the 12th St. BART station. Walk ends at the 19th Street BART. This is a moderately paced, level walk. Wear comfortable shoes, bring drinks and snacks and dress in layers.

Wednesday, 7 March, 10:00 am
Architectural Tour of the U.C. Campus
Leader: Alan Kaplan

Learn about the Campanile, the Agricultural Quad, the Life Sciences Building, and much more. Meet at North Gate (Euclid and Hearst Avenues). Moderate pace with a few hills.

26 February 2007

Divining Beauty: The Swedenborgian Church and the Arts and Crafts Movement

Swedenborgian Church, San Francisco

GTU Hewlett Library
2400 Ridge Road, Berkeley
Exhibition: 22 February–31 May, 2007

The Swedenborgian Church of San Francisco (1894) had a profound impact on the American Arts & Crafts movement. This exhibition focuses on materials related to the church and its influence. Exhibits include paintings, prints, drawings, ceramics, textiles, books, and photographs.

20 February 2007

A hundred and two years ago

Oakland Tribune, 26 January 1905

13 February 2007

Tilden Park Carousel closed

Dan Horenberger announced today in Carousel News and Trader Magazine that the State of California has red-tagged the historic 1911 Herschell-Spillman carousel at Tilden Park after over 90 years of safe operation with no accidents.

Says Horenberger, “This is yet another in the long line of attacks by California’s DOSH (Division of Occupational Safety and Health) against the landmark carousels in the state. This ridiculous closure follows the numerous major alterations forced to be made to the antique carousels at Golden Gate Park, The San Francisco Zoo, Seaport Village in San Diego, Disneyland and many others in the state, all in the effort to try and make antique, historic carousels meet modern standards. This is destroying the original historic value of the carousels.

“This latest closure in Berkeley was due to the fact that the carousel operates without a fence. Never mind that in the 90-plus years of operation there has never been a problem, while fences have a long history of causing accidents. That doesn’t seem to matter, according to the state. Nor does destroying the layout of a historic building that just underwent a major restoration last year using tax payers’ dollars.”

Read the entire article.

Recently, the carousel was one of the grant recipients in the American Express/National Trust for Historic Preservation Partners in Preservation San Francisco Bay Area Initiative.

12 February 2007

Explore Strawberry Canyon with Ignacio Chapela

A view of Grizzly Peak from Canyon Road in Strawberry Canyon (postcard published by Edward H. Mitchell c. 1905)

Every Wednesday at 5 pm

Beginning on Valentine’s Day, Dr. Ignacio Chapela will lead public surveys of the perimeter of the wildscapes at stake in the next proposed steps for the filling of the Canyon by the LBL, now financed by British Petroleum.

Expert guests will weigh in on History, Biotech, Politics, Energy, Privatization of Public Spaces and Public Discourse, Ecology, Wildlife, Urbanization, Poetry and Music.

Meet at the Memorial Stadium Oak Grove. Bring weather-appropriate clothing. Additional walks will be offered on selected Sundays.

Contact: canyonwalks@gmail.com

11 February 2007

Brazilian music in architectural landmarks

The Hillside Club, Berkeley (photo: Daniella Thompson, 2005)

Brazilian Origins at the Hillside Club

Carlos Oliveira, 7-string guitar
Mauro Correa, 7-string guitar
Harvey Wainapel, clarinet & saxophone
Claudio Bebianno, percussion

The Hillside Club
2286 Cedar Street
Berkeley, CA 94709

Friday, 16 February at 8:00 pm
Admission $15
($10 HSC members & seniors)

Info: (510) 845-1350

The repertoire will include compositions by Pixinguinha, Toninho Horta, Chico Buarque, Sivuca, Carlos Oliveira, and others.

Chapel of the Chimes, Oakland

Jazz at the Chimes: Claudia Villela & Ricardo Peixoto

Chapel of the Chimes
4499 Piedmont Avenue
Oakland, CA 94611

Sunday, 18 February at 2:00 pm
Admission $20
(includes reception)

Info: Mary (510) 228-3218