08 April 2009

Mayor Bates to visit proposed Kenney Cottage site

Kenney cottage on the move down Addison St. in 1906
(photo courtesy of the Berkeley Firefighters Association provided by Richard Schwartz)

Patty Marcks of Friends of Kenney Cottage Garden writes:

Please come out to show Berkeley’s Mayor Tom Bates that you support this project for the city-owned vacant lot on Fifth Street in northwest Berkeley. Tell your friends and neighbors.

When: Monday, 13 April 2009, 3:45 pm. The mayor is scheduled to arrive around 4 pm.
Where: Front yard of 1629 Fifth Street, next door to the site of the proposed project (between Virginia & Cedar Streets).
Who: Neighborhood residents and other Berkeley supporters of Friends of Kenney Cottage Garden; the Mayor; representatives of the project’s two development partners, Berkeley Architectural Heritage Association (BAHA) and Northern California Land Trust (NCLT).

Don’t forget to come to the West Berkeley PAC meeting later the same week, on Thursday, 16 April 7 pm at James Kenney Recreation Center, 7th & Virginia Streets.

04 April 2009

Cathedral of Christ the Light

Photo: Pam Strayer, 2009

A record crowd of 77 people turned out yesterday for BAHA’s outing to the Cathedral of Christ the Light in Oakland. Pam Strayer, a contributor to the John Hudson Thomas Journal, went on the tour and recorded it in a beautiful set of photographs that she published on Flickr.

The photos are also available as a slideshow.