23 August 2012

Vote for Charlie Bowen & Path Wanderers

Charlie Bowen, path-building head of the Berkeley Path Wanderers Association, is one of three finalists in the 2012 Bay Area Cox Conserves Heroes contest, sponsored by the Trust for Public Land and KTVI Channel 2.
The finalist who receives the most online votes by 24 Sept. will be awarded $10,000 for her chosen non-profit. Click here to see a short video on Charlie’s work and vote for her.

Julia Morgan photo contest

In conjunction with this year’s statewide Julia Morgan 2012 Festival, the Landmark Heritage Foundation is sponsoring a Julia Morgan Photo Contest.
Submit your favorite photograph (taken by you) of a Julia Morgan Building anywhere in California.
Winners will receive a two-night stay, a dinner for two, or a lunch for two at Julia Morgan’s Little Castle, the Berkeley City Club in Berkeley, CA.
Open to residents of the United States. Submissions accepted now through 12 October 2012. There is a submission fee of $15.

The Temple of Wings & Isadora Duncan–style dance

Screening & dance performance
Thursday, 6 September 2012
7:30 pm
The Hillside Club
2286 Cedar Street, Berkeley

Nestled in the foothills of Berkeley, the Temple of Wings, inspired by Greek architecture and aesthetic, was for decades the epicenter of Isadora Duncan–style dance.

The Berkeley Historical Society is sponsoring an evening dedicated to the culture fostered in this landmark. Featured will be photographer and historian Margaretta Mitchell, who will screen her elegiac documentary about Temple of Wings dance. Her presentation will be followed by a performance by Lois Flood, a Duncan dance specialist.

The event is wheelchair accessible. Admission is free, though donations will be appreciated. 

Reception and refreshments will follow.

The BHS exhibit Early Days of Dance of the East Bay continues through 29 September at the History Center, 1931 Center Street, every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday afternoon from 1:00 to 4:00 pm.

11 August 2012

Watch for our booth at the Solano Stroll

BAHA returns to the Solano Stroll on 9 September 2012. Our booth will be located near Ensenada Avenue. Come by and say hello.

Third West Berkeley cultural tour with Richard Schwartz

Historian Richard Schwartz continues his triumphant Magical History Walking Tours of West Berkeley with the third ramble, which will take place on Saturday, 25 August 2012 at 11:00 am. Meet at Builders Booksource, 1817 4th Street.

On this tour, Richard will reveal the story of an early West Berkeley eccentric and how he attempted to make part of West Berkeley into a sanatorium and beach destination, utilizing indoor baths and spas rivaling Sutro Baths in San Francisco. Richard will take us to the site of Berkeley’s first town hall in the west end; Berkeley’s first school from 1856; show more images and details of the terrific French Quarter that occupied so many sites in West Berkeley; the giant French brewery; some 1906 earthquake relief camps; and the largest attempted industrial endeavor in 1875, which was meant to change the entire northwest end of the undeveloped and sleepy ranchland. If there is time, Richard may tell us the many thrilling tales from the old dynamite factories of West Berkeley.

$10 tour charge (kids free). Reservations required (510) 845-6874.