29 June 2020

Mourning former BAHA President Sally Sachs

Sally Katorski Sachs, 1935–2020 (photo: Daniella Thompson)

BAHA is mourning the death of its former president and longtime board member Sally Sachs.

BAHA treasurer Stephanie Manning posted this statement:

“Sally, 84, was a good friend to all of us, a former BAHA President and board member for over 35 years. She was a reliable volunteer at all our events and spoke at many city commission and council hearings on behalf of preservation. She also organized the Friday Outings series for many years. And she always participated, one did not have to coax Sally. She also contributed financially to BAHA. And in keeping with most of our board members over the years, she was very intelligent. Her departure is a real loss, not only to BAHA but to preservation in Berkeley.”

In the photo above, Sally is seen as a volunteer in our Panoramic Hill House Tour, 2005.