Mills College Landscape Heritage Plan lecture series
The Design of Mills College: A Campus Rooted in Hope
Wednesday, 11 October 2006
Reception 5:00 pm
Lecture 5:30 pm with Q & A to follow
Bender Room, Carnegie Hall, Mills College
Professor and renowned author Helen Lefkowitz Horowitz of Smith College will consider Mills within the evolving plan of womens colleges in the United States and its bearing on the campus today.
Phoebe Cutler
Mills College and Oakland's Golden Age of Horticulture, 19181950
Wednesday, 28 February 2007
Reception 5:00 pm
Lecture 5:30 pm with Q & A to follow
Bender Room, Carnegie Hall, Mills College
Author Phoebe Cutler, who writes and lectures on garden and landscape history, will speak about the work of landscape architect, Howard Gilkey, the first landscape architect at Mills College, and Dr. Howard McMinn noted botanist and their influence both regionally and nationally.
Vonn Marie May
Reading the Cultural Landscape of Mills College: Findings from the Getty Campus Heritage Grant Project
Wednesday, 28 March 2007
Reception 5:00 pm
Lecture 5:30 pm with Q & A to follow
Bender Room, Carnegie Hall, Mills College
Vonn Marie May, Cultural Landscape Specialist and prime consultant to the Mills College Landscape Heritage Plan, will present the team's findings on the campus' development by significant architects, landscape architects, botanists, and campus planners whose influence helped shape the cultural landscape of the Mills College campus.
Please RSVP to Carrie Milligan at (510) 430-2125 or
Mills College is located at 5000 MacArthur Boulevard, Oakland, California 94613.
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