19 May 2008

Historic preservation summer course at U.C. Berkeley

Are you interested in the fate of your neighborhood or community? A popular 8-week U.C. Berkeley course on historic preservation is being offered this summer. Enrollment is open to the general public at a cost of $810.

The class is taught by Helaine Kaplan Prentice, ASLA, an author and lecturer in City Planning who brings to the classroom 30 years’ experience as a city planner, with numerous awards.

She promises “Great field trips. Guest speakers. Seminar atmosphere. No exams,” and describes the course as follows:
Preservation plays an increasingly prominent role in planning decisions and architecture practice. Yet much opinion is based on stereotypes and superficial information. Here’s a chance to really understand the issues, and how historic designation can benefit city life. I stress preservation as a planning strategy.

Preservation brings funding, good design and cultural identity. This class is an excellent way to learn an important facet of the profession, and to discuss urban issues with architects and landscape architects. Our reading is accessible and worthwhile. Assignments build visual skills, too.
City and Regional Planning
Course CY PLAN 190
Advanced Topics in Urban Studies: Historic Preservation in California
23 June–13 August 2008
Mon & Wed 1–4 pm, 214B Wurster Hall

For additional information, contact Helaine Kaplan Prentice.

10 May 2008

Free Downtown Oakland Walking Tours

From May through October, the City of Oakland offers 90-minute walking tours through the downtown districts. Choose from eight different tour itineraries:

Tour 1: Old Oakland
Tour 2: City Center
Tour 3: Uptown to the Lake
Tour 4: Preservation Park
Tour 5: Oakland Chinatown
Tour 6: Waterfront
Tour 7: Churches & Temples
Tour 8: New Era | New Politics

To make reservations, please call (510) 238-3234 or e-mail aallen@oaklandnet.com. Please specify which tour and date you are requesting in your message.

06 May 2008

Spring House Tour photo gallery

Did you miss our Spring House Tour? See the houses and the people who went in our photo gallery.

03 May 2008

Last-minute House Tour tickets

The House Tour ticket booth will open tomorrow at noon on Stuart St. mid-block between College and Benvenue Avenues (see map).

Public transit: Take AC Transit bus line 51 northbound from Rockridge BART to College & Stuart or southbound from Downtown Berkeley BART to College & Russell. You can also walk from either station.

Parking: Underhill Parking Facility and Anna Head West lot open at 1 pm. They charge $1 per hour.