Joseph Stubbs Berkeley Southside
(photo: Joseph Stubbs)
Designer Joseph Stubbs has given Berkeley a tremendous present: the online version of his Berkeley Southside interactive photo survey, until now available only on CD-ROM.
When you click the View Full Resource button in Berkeley Southside, you get a large map of the Southside, peppered with symbols representing the architectural styles of the entire built environment in the 40-block area south of the U.C. campus, from Fulton St. on the west to College Ave. on the east, and from Bancroft Way on the north to Derby St. on the south.
The 138 buildings indicated in red are historic or significant architectural resources. Clicking on any red symbol will open a pop-up window with one or more of Stubbs high-quality photographs and information such as the buildings address, its architect (if known), year of construction, and architectural style.
Beautifully designed, Berkeley Southside is an extremely valuable resource for all of us who care about architectural preservation.
Joseph Stubbs continues to sell the CD-ROM on his website, and so does BAHA.
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