15 January 2010

Berkeley Iceland nominated to the National Register

Courtesy of saveberkeleyiceland.org

Berkeley Iceland, which was designated a City of Berkeley landmark in 2007, is going back to the City Council for a public hearing on 19 January 2010. The building’s owners, East Bay Iceland, Inc., filed a lawsuit against the city last October, challenging the landmark designation. Under the settlement agreement, the council is to rescind and vacate its July 2007 decision to affirm the LPC’s landmark designation, then hold a new public hearing and make a decision as to the designation of Berkeley Iceland as a City of Berkeley landmark. (Read Heated Battle Over Iceland’s Landmark Status in the Berkeley Daily Planet.)

The Landmarks Preservation Commission was not informed of the new review and has sent a letter to the City Council, questioning the unpredecented process and pointing out that no law supporting the new hearing is to be found in Berkeley’s Landmarks Preservation Ordinance.

A few months ago, BAHA asked retired planner John English to write a nomination of the Berkeley Iceland to the National Register of Hitoric Places. This nomination was sent to Sacramento on Tuesday, 12 January.

All concerned Berkeleyans should make an effort to appear before the council on 19 January and speak in favor of preserving this important landmark.


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